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Tag: Blue Monday

Blue Monday N° #15

Smiling Sally

N° #15



Hi Sally!
'm not sure if the translation is correct for my poem. I try nevertheless

With childlike curiosity, I opened all the doors.
On and on, in and out.
One or another, however, were closed forever.
But I was still life in amazement at his heels.


© Anne Seltmann



Mit kindlicher Neugier öffnete ich alle Türen.
Auf und zu, rein und raus.
Eine oder andere waren jedoch für immer verschlossen.
Aber ich blieb dennoch dem Leben staunend auf den Fersen.


© Anne Seltmann

Anne Seltmann 29.12.2014, 07.56 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #14

Smiling Sally

Long it's been that I had the blue balls on my Christmas tree. And long ago that I even had a Christmas tree. We just did not feel like Christmas. But that will change next year when our fresh grandson comes to visit. But then I turn red and silver assume again that is a lot of Christmas 

You dear Sally, I wish a merry Christmas!


Anne Seltmann 22.12.2014, 07.10 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #13

Smiling Sally

N° #13


I stayed at the aquarium in Kiel (Northern Germany) discovered a Urticina piscivora. By the blue neon light comes out especially nice. Sea anemones (Actiniaria), also called water lilies, sea anemones or anemones are a species- and genus-rich order of Hexacorallia within flowers animals. It is exclusively occurring in the sea, always solitary living, usually relatively large animals found from shallow waters to abyssal depths. Currently about 1,200 species are known.

Anne Seltmann 15.12.2014, 06.17 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #12

Smiling Sally

N° #12


The umbrella I will need today. It rained all night and it's still raining.
How can
there arise because the Christmas spirit?

Anne Seltmann 08.12.2014, 06.14 | (5/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #11


Smiling Sally

 N° #11


This life ring I found on the island of Usedom.
Usedom is an island in the Pomeranian Bay in the southern Baltic. It is separated by the river Peene and the Szczecin Lagoon from the mainland, and the Swine of the neighboring island of Wolin.

Anne Seltmann 01.12.2014, 06.36 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #10


Smiling Sally

Is the pretty or is pretty? He IS pretty! 

Seen in Weinheim / north-west of Baden-Württemberg / Germany

N° #10


Anne Seltmann 24.11.2014, 07.38 | (5/1) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #09

Smiling Sally

N° #09

Ist das ein Blau? Das ist BLAUUUUU!
Was für ein hübsches Tor mit dem Hintergrund (ein Garagentor)
Ich mag ja sonst nichts Verspieltes, aber hier habe mich regelrecht in das Tor verliebt. 


For Sally!

Is that a blue? This really is BLUUUUUE!
What a nice goal with the background (a garage)
I may otherwise Playful anything, but here I fell in love literally in goal.


Anne Seltmann 17.11.2014, 06.11 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #08


Smiling Sally

N° #08


Anne Seltmann 10.11.2014, 07.45 | (2/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #07


Smiling Sally

N° #07


Diese Tür habe 2013 in Paris fotografiert, als ich noch an dem Türenprojekt von Kalle teilgenommen habe. Leider ist dieses schöne Projekt zu Ende. Aber hier für Blue Monday passt es auch hervorragend!


This door was photographed in 2013 in Paris, as I have participated in the (doors) project by Kalle. Unfortunately this beautiful project is over. But here for Blue Monday it fits perfectly!

Anne Seltmann 03.11.2014, 07.00 | (2/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #06


Smiling Sally

Oh, I have actually forgotten Blue Monday. Quickly late filing and backdate  ;-)

N° #06


Anne Seltmann 27.10.2014, 07.05 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

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