Ausgewählter Beitrag

Blue Monday N° #13

Smiling Sally

N° #13


I stayed at the aquarium in Kiel (Northern Germany) discovered a Urticina piscivora. By the blue neon light comes out especially nice. Sea anemones (Actiniaria), also called water lilies, sea anemones or anemones are a species- and genus-rich order of Hexacorallia within flowers animals. It is exclusively occurring in the sea, always solitary living, usually relatively large animals found from shallow waters to abyssal depths. Currently about 1,200 species are known.

Anne Seltmann 15.12.2014, 06.17

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Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag

3. von Anne M Robinson

What a lovely share. I love the blues so much and enjoy visiting everyone. Thank you for sharing and have a beautiful week.

vom 16.12.2014, 02.58
2. von Sally

Hello Anne,

Ooo, how blue-tiful! Thanks for playing today.

Happy Blue Monday!

vom 15.12.2014, 15.19
1. von Sabienes

Diese Seeanemone ist wirklich urschön!

vom 15.12.2014, 11.11